My home time recipe T-shirt products are a good item to have.
Product: Vegetable long sleeve T-shirt.
Features: My shirts are made of cotton and have a Vegetable logo on it. They come in white or black and grey. They are hoodies and tank tops for males and females too.
Benefit for user: keeps you warm and comfortable for as long as you wear it. Machine washable too. These shirts will last years of wear and tear.
Strongest point here: look fashionable and make everyone wonder where it came from.
Unique selling proposition: these shirts can be worn anywhere and people will want to know why and where to get them.
Big Idea: cheaper than most shirts and you can start a trend. Wear these while cooking or out in public places so they know you like veggies.
Big Promise I can make: Wearing our veggie t-shirts will make you look cook while cooking or money back.
Proof this product is good: I wear a veggie T-shirt and people like it.
The need for the shirts are simple, short sleeve or long sleeve, they cover your body with soft cotton so that you don't walk around naked. The shirt can protect against elements such as cool wind, bugs, dirt and thorns. The shirts came from inspiration of my blog, and the logo symbolized the need for healthy food in everyone's life. These shirts can last a life time and you'll always enjoy wearing them.
Made in Vietnam from fine cotton, the shirts are on sale for a range of nineteen to thirty dollars. They come in male and female with sizes small, to medium, to large up to extra large. Short and long sleeve options are available along with black and white color options. These shirts will allow you to walk around in public without being naked. This is a casual shirt you can lounge and relax in. They are versatile and can be worn while on a walk, or playing a sports game, and most importantly while cooking. The black and white colors allow for easy matching of pants of jackets and shoes and shocks. These shirts are talked about whenever i'm wearing them out. These could be considered the most interesting T-shirts since 1920. My V-neck veggie shirts are hitting the market as well and they're hot. They are fine stitched at the seems to hold even the toughest pulls on it. In addition to my long and short sleeves there are hoodies and tank tops available as well. These one of a kind hoodies and tanks and shirts can't be found anywhere else on line or in stores. Special pocket can be added through contacting me on my email. The hoodies come in grey, black, and white. price range is between nineteen and thirty dollars. From cotton to customer you strut your stuff with confidence in the entire vegetable brand shirt collection. For a low investment these shirts or hoodies can last a life time. People will wonder where you bought this shirt and you'll just say it's a good place called home time meals. While you wear the product you can make the meals I post about in your kitchen. Create what is on the shirt in real life. It's more delicious than a shirt that way. There is a link post under the shirt picture at the bottom of this page. You can clip on it then go online to choose from a variety of options of shirts and hoodies. Order the shirt online and it can be shipped to your house in a little amount of time i'm sure. If the price seems a little step don't worry about it because the shirt or hoodie will last for years to come.
My story behind these shirts started with my interest in cooking. As a kid and now as an adult I enjoy cooking food and wearing it as a logo too. The vegetables represented on the shirts are a representation of my blog itself. Good healthy food on a shirt will sure help whoever see it or wears it with cooking and eating for a healthier diet. The shirt gives inspiration to me to help people be aware that vegetables are good for the body and mind, and look good on a shirt. I like to see the shirt and hoodies as how far home time recipes as come. Having a product make a great feeling in my heart. These are good for gifts and parties. Especially is food is involved. You won't know how comfortable these shirts are until you wear it. But I guarantee they are worth the money and comfortable. My cooking inspiration comes from my late grandmother. She use to have a garden and in the summer we would pick fresh vegetable out. She taught me which ones were the best and most ripe to pick. We'd go inside and chop them up and make all sort of good food. This is a reason why I got into cooking and into the blog. The shirt can also represent my time and child hood with my grandma. I'm sure she knew that I would pass this activity on after she was gone and now i'm attempting to pass it on to other with these shirts and hoodies.
There is a thirty day money back guarantee when you order a home time shirt or hoodie. With safe and secure shipping included. Most orders ship within twenty four hours depending on where it's going. So far we only take United States currency but overseas transactions may come at a later date.
These are good for you and your friends and family.
You can order on line or by phone at 1-877-809-1659. Proceeded help the blog and my personal gain. So buy something today or you might regret it.
click on the link below to order!
Shipping rates are not free, please see the site for more information.

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Link to buy Shirts
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