What if...
- ...you dipped strawberries in sour cream?
- ...put peanut butter on your hot dog?
- ...peanut butter and avocado sandwich?
- ..Salami and strawberry jam?
- .. Peanut butter and bacon on a Montreal style poppy seed bagel.
- This one sound absolutely delicious to me.
- .. Grilled cheese with mustard. Not the yellow watery kind, but the real Dijon Mustard.
- I enjoy ketchup and BBQ sauce, but I haven't tried that one just yet.. hmm
- ..Pouring salt into your tea.
- This one might be an old Chinese secrete if i'm one to ask..
- ..Hot sauce on top of ice cream
- ah yes, combining spicy and icy. classic
- Crab flavored cupcakes, &
- Old bay crab seasoned with everything
- apparently that's what goes on in Boston.
- A vanilla frosty with Wendy's fries
- This one brings back childhood.
- Chocolate cookies and mashed up into applesauce.
- I could go for some of that right now
- Honey and Chicken nuggets (preferably from McDonalds)
- yet another throw back
- Pickel juice and a shot of Jamo
- That will get the night started
- Cottage Cheese and Srircahi
- This one, my roommate does... no comment
- Ranch on pizza
- some people really don't like this, not sure why
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