Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Healthy Diets to Junk Diets --- Comparison

Here I'll explain  healthy diets to a junk food diets. This is a simple comparison that should not be difficult to retain knowledge from. The first step in a healthy living is knowing what is good for your body to consume. Sadly many times over, junk food wins when there is a choose to be made. Typically junk food is cheaper to buy at a grocery store too.

The healthy food list I would considers is:

  • Seaweeds and sea vegetables
  • Fresh leafy greens
  • Raw nuts and seeds
  • sprouts
  • cold pressed extra virgin oils
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
An unhealthy food list are typically:
  • Refined white sugar
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • aspartame
  • Addictive substance such as MSG or other chemicals that enhance taste
  • Processed fats and oils 
  • Processed White foods like bread and pasta. 

    These are 10 comparisons between Healthy and Junk food.

    1. The Health Benefits. 
               The risk of contracting Type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other health problems is higher with people who have typically a unhealthy diet.

    2. Calories intake are different levels. 
              Being aware of calorie intake in important. There is a significant difference between junk food calories and healthy meal calories.

    3. Cost factors 
       Healthier food tends to break the wallet a little more than junk food does. 
    4. Sugar levels are different 
       Eating sugar is bad all over, but it's much more present in unhealthy foods.
    5. Nutrients 
       Eating healthier foods will get you much needed vitamins and minerals for your body.
    6. Fat differences
       Unhealthy foods are high in sodium, calories and especially fat. Not good fat either.
    7. Sodium levels
       A high amount of sodium is detrimental to your body's health. Junk food is high in sodium levels which won't do you any good.
    8. Bad carbohydrates in junk food.
      It's important to know from good carbs and bad carbs.
    9. Maintaining a healthy weight level
       Don't consume food that are high in sugar and fat if you want to retain your weight levels.
    10. Proteins are either good or bad.
       Protein is usually viewed by people as generally good, but some are bad and present in most junk foods. 

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